Miekkamatka 2024

Miekkamatka is back!
This year, we wanted to make participating in Miekkamatka (Sword Journey) competition easier. Similar to last year, the goal is to encourage people to visit as many different training sessions as possible, so you will receive one entry per training location. However, this time we have also taken into account the training sessions organized by different organizations in the same town, and each of them will count as separate entries!
Here's what you need to do: post a training session photo on the #miekkamatka2024 channel on the Suomen Boffaajat discord. In the caption, specify where and by which organization the training session in the picture took place. You will get one entry per a training location + organizer -combination.
Voittajalle on luvassa täysin ennennäkemätön ja uniikki Miekkamatka 2024 -t-paita!
Participation period: November 19th, 2023 to July 11, 2024. The winner aka the participant with the most valid entries will be announced at Sotahuuto, and arrangements for delivering the prize will be made with them. If the winner cannot be reached at Sotahuuto, the organizers will contact them on Discord after the event.
Sharing training pictures on social media is not in vain either: we will share posts with the #miekkamatka2024 and @sotahuuto2024 tags in Instagram stories on our official @sotahuuto2024 account. Although pictures shared on social media will not participate in the competition itself, it is still a great opportunity to promote your favorite training sessions to the whole soft sword fighting community!