International participants

Image: Liisa Salonen
Note that this site is also available in English!
Pyrimme siihen, että Sotahuuto olisi mukaansatempaava ja kiinnostava kokemus myös osallistujille, joilla ei ole kosketusta suomalaiseen pehmomiekkailuharrastukseen. Ulkomailta tulevilla osallistujilla on omat haasteensa tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja siellä pärjäämisensä kanssa. Tällä sivulla esittelemme ratkaisuja siihen, kuinka tapahtumaorganisaatio huomioi Suomen ulkopuolelta tulevat osallistujat.
Event fee
The event is free for participants coming from outside Finland. This includes both fighters and supporters. Traveling to Finland is expensive and we hope that the total price of your adventure won't be a major obstacle to participation. The benefit also applies to Finnish residents living abroad who have to travel to attend the event. Please note, however, that you still need to register for the event through the Ilmoportaali system. English registration instructions will be published when registration opens. The free event does not include meals, lodging or insurance.
We aim to publish all essential event information in English as well. Not all blog posts and announcements published in Finnish will be translated into English, but up-to-date information related to the event will also be available in English. You can contact the Finnish community in English through either Sotahuuto facebook group or Suomen boffaajat discord server on the #international channel.
During the event, communication will primarily be in Finnish, but key information will be communicated in English as well. If you are participating as part of a team that includes Finnish players, please coordinate with your team regarding communication. If you are coming as your own team without any Finnish participants or as an individual, please contact us on Friday and we will have someone to keep you informed during the event.

Image: Liisa Salonen
English briefing
An English briefing will be held on the event Friday. Event rules, Finnish boffering etiquette, and essential Finnish terms will be covered there. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you might have and meet other long-distance travelers.
Making equipment according to Finnish boffering rules is not easy abroad. Many of the rules and regulations are based on materials that are readily available in Finland but not to be found elsewhere. It is possible to make and transport equipment that complies with the rules to Finland. However, it is not necessary.
If you register as part of a Finnish team, it is advisable to ask them about loaner gear first. If you are not part of a Finnish team that can provide equipment, we will provide loaner gear that complies with Finnish soft-foam fencing rules. However, please contact us in advance by filling out a form.
Getting in
Ilmoitamme Sotahuudon 2025 saapumisohjeet tähän myöhemmin.