Establishing a new group

Photo: Jari Kuskelin
Dreaming of joining Sotahuuto but don't want to sign up alone, and you don't have contacts with other groups? No worries, you can start your own! Gather a group of friends and inspire them to join the event. If you wish, you can also get help from a team mentor.
While joining a team of fellow enthusiasts is a sure way to make new acquaintances, creating your own team allows you to experience the event from a completely different perspective.
Creating your own team is not an impossible task, but there are many things to take care of before the event. A good idea from the start is to get to know the broader community of enthusiasts. Attending local practices, for example, is an excellent way to meet other practitioners. Information about training sessions held throughout Finland can be found on the website. To get a good understanding of the sport, participate in an event before Sotahuuto. You can connect with other enthusiasts through the Sotahuuto Facebook group or the Suomen Boffaajat Discord. Hyvän käsityksen lajista saa osallistumalla johonkin tapahtumaan jo ennen Sotahuutoa. Yhteyden muihin harrastajiin saat esimerkiksi Sotahuudon Facebook-ryhmässä or Suomen Boffaajat -Discordissa.
Consider what kind of activities your team specializes in. Do you want to fight as part of a shield wall, or perhaps as a more mobile skirmish team? A shared vision of what you are going to do is crucial, especially when looking for suitable equipment. One way to shape the team's unified concept is to consider a historical inspiration or era, according to which the team equips itself and fights. Reading introductions of existing teams can provide ideas about the choices other teams have made. joukkueiden esittelyitä lukemalla voitte saada ajatuksia siitä, millaisia ratkaisuja muut joukkueet ovat tehneet.
Making weapons might seem like a big effort, but the reality is different. Raw materials for making boffer weapons are easily available from regular hardware stores in Finland. There are also instructions for making swords, shields, and spears.
Making armor requires a bit more effort, but it is not mandatory for participating in the event. Armor can also be purchased ready-made. All genuinely protective helmets, including modern ones, are allowed at the event and contribute to the armor score. However, it is customary to camouflage the armor to look historical, for example, by using a hood or covering bright colors.
Instructions for making weapons and armor can be found on the website.

Image: Liisa Salonen
The group should consider creating a recognizable appearance. Identifiability helps. Other teams can assign points to the right team, and misunderstandings on the field are less likely. It helps to inform others in advance, for example, on Facebook or Discord. A brief introduction to the idea behind the group and perhaps an example image of a fighter in the team's colors are sufficient.
Creating a recognizable appearance often involves sewing, but a sufficiently uniform appearance can also be created with pre-purchased clothing. The website provides instructions for making a tunic. An even simpler identifiability garment is a tabard.
Part of identifiability is also a flag. In Sotahuuto, every team participating in scoring must have a flag. The flag fabric should be the size of an A3 paper sheet, and the flagpole should be at least 150 centimeters long. The flag can be made into a battle flag, allowing you to block. Detailed flag rules are part of the structural rules. rakennesääntöjä.
While registration is open, the team must sign up for the event through the registration portal. The team leader creates an event-specific group on the registration portal, where team members can sign up. The team leader can also handle the registration of other members so that they don't have to register on the platform themselves. The leader also sees the participants registered for the team and can check that all members have remembered to register for the event. The entire team's payments are handled collectively. Ilmoportaalin , where team members can sign up. The team leader can also handle the registration of other members so that they don't have to register on the platform themselves. The leader also sees the participants registered for the team and can check that all members have remembered to register for the event. The entire team's payments are handled collectively.
Accommodation at Sotahuuto is usually in camp conditions. This means that accommodation should be discussed among the team members. Scout groups from several locations often rent larger tents, such as half-platoon tents, which can easily accommodate a large number of people. It is also possible to look for, for example, a rental cabin near the event venue. However, remember that the evening program of the event is worth seeing and experiencing, so it's not advisable to head to cabins right after the battles.
Getting the entire team to the venue is its own task if you don't have your own cars. Traditionally, shared bus rides to Sotahuuto have been organized from some of the major cities. These are typically announced on Facebook and Discord. If the team doesn't have a large amount of equipment, it's relatively easy to come to Sotahuuto 2023 by public transport. We will provide more information about arriving at the event closer to the date.
Last but not the least
Consider these things well before the last week! A relaxed Sotahuuto Friday allows you to get to know the sport and the event with a casual attitude. At the event venue, get to know at least the members of your own army and agree on how to pursue victory.
However, don't stress about things. You can get help by asking team mentors, event organizers, and other teams. Every team started somewhere, and you don't need to know everything at first! Welcome to the event! joukkuementoreilta, tapahtumajärjestäjiltä ja muilta joukkueilta. Jokainen joukkue on aloittanut jostain, eikä aluksi tarvitsekaan olla kaikesta kartalla! Tervetuloa tapahtumaan!