Respected Sotahuuto community!


The organizing team for Sotahuuto 2024 has recently begun their work, taking the first significant steps towards the realization of the event. Much has been worked on, and there is still much to be done, but we have now reached the most important milestone.


Therefore, mark in your calendars the confirmed location and date:

Kauppilan tila

Region: Ikaalinen, Pirkanmaa



The head organizers for the upcoming Sotahuuto are John Helin and Joonas Lehtonen. They lead an organized team that is continuously growing and remains open to anyone willing to contribute to the preparation of Finland's largest soft sword fighting event. If you feel you have something to offer to this endeavor, feel free to contact us at the email address jarjestajat [at ]sotahuuto.fi!






In the spring, from January to May, In the spring, from January to May, expect a monthly announcement on this site to keep you updated on the progress of event planning. We will share our goals and provide information in preparing for the registration opening. In June, communication will focus on group-specific messages, and in July, a final announcement will cover event guidelines for both seasoned veterans and newcomers. 


In addition, both the head organizers and our communication coordinator are actively accessible. So, feel free to reach out, and let's make the event exactly what its participants envision and deserve!




At this stage, the Sotahuuto team expresses gratitude for your patient anticipation, wishes you a happy end of the year, and looks forward to the exciting times ahead!


Sähköposti: jarjestajat@sotahuuto.fi