Hetki lähenee – hinnastosta ja vapaaehtoisista

Hei kaikki Sotahuutajat!
We are excited to announce that we are working hard on the registration portal so that we can open registration as soon as possible. However, we would like to inform you about the pricing before the actual registration begins.
This year's pricing is as follows:
Basic price: €45
– Opiskelijat, eläkeläiset, työttömät: 35 €
First-timers: €25
Support personnel: €20
Event catering: €52
T-shirt: €25
Lisäksi su-ma ruokailu maksaa 15€.
Ennalta ilmoitetut erikoisruokavaliot valmistamme tarvittaessa erikseen. Erikoisruokavaliot saa henkilökunnalta pyydettäessä (esim. gluteeniton leipä & puuro)
Additionally, we are launching a new support ticket at the event, which costs €70. Buyers of this ticket will receive a magnificent Sotahuuto 2024 coffee mug. Participation for attendees coming from abroad remains free of charge.
This year's catering will be provided by the well-known Vallesmanni, and as usual, the popular Sotahuuto T-shirt will be available.
We also aim to continue the event until Monday, which would likely enable the purchase of extra meals. However, to make this possible, we still need more volunteers for first aid and security. If you have the opportunity to help, we gratefully accept your assistance.More information will be provided later if the required number of volunteers is obtained.
Summer regards,
Head organizers